Wednesday, 17 September 2008

The Curse Of The Fall

I've got a feature in today's Guardian which leans towards the human costs of my search - a car, my health, my girlfriend. I still shudder at the aesthetic costs - when I saw The Fall at Leeds Fforde Grene, I was sporting a hideous curly perm that had gone wrong. I blame the influence of Terry Hall's Fun Boy Three-era barnet for that one!


mountain said...

A couple of questions/points; one raised by the Grauniad article:

1) You were looking for Karl E Burns but any self-respecting Fall fan would know that Karl's middle initial is a K (see "Hex" front cover);
b) If you were going to track down all the people who'd played live with The Group, did you find out who the long-hair was who played Brix's guitar parts during the Off Beat Night gig in Germany at the start of 1989? Eh? Did yer?

Dave Simpson said...

K. K. Amera - fogey label
K. K. Burns Babe
Not literal - Karl's always been "Karl Burns"
Directory enquiries put an 'E' in...

Any self-respecting Fall fan would know it's "the gruppe" not "the group"

Dave Simpson said...


b) That would be anal mate! :)

mountain said...

Anal? Nowt to do with it, pal. More like doing things *thoroughly*. If you set the rules, you gotta follow 'em.

(P.S. book in the post; looking forward to reading it)

mountain said...

P.S.S. Group / gruppe; MES has referred to it as the latter - for example, see gigography entry for 2 May 2004.

Dave Simpson said...

my budget didn't extend to Germany! My first car didn't get past the M62.

"Gruppe/group" will both do really, you're right. The verboten word is "band"

Dave Simpson said...

Actually there were a few I drew the line at, including the "Stuart" who appeared before a live TV audience (but not a proper gig), and the assorted roadies/loons/road managers who read lyrics on encores etc. Stuart Estell was the exception to that cos it's such a great story.

Terrapin said...

I am a recovering Fall obsessive (it is 173 days since I last heard any of their music). Your Guardian article has set it off again! GRrrr

mountain said...

And you didn't look for the infamous "Dave"?

Dave Simpson said...

Dave's fate is in the book.